Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 2
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa e mātaki mai i tēnei whārangi ipurangi.
Anei ngā pātai o te wiki tama mā.
Whakautua ēnei pātai.
Hei tauira - Kei hea te tama? ( in / car ) - Kei roto te tama i te motokā.
1. Kei hea te kōtiro? (outside / house)
2. Kei hea te ngeru? ( on / bed)![](
3. Kei hea te kurī? (under / seat)
4. Kei hea te pene? (inside / bag)
5. Ko wai kei roto i te rūma? (Kiri)
6. Ko wai kei runga i te moenga? ( Haami)
7. He aha kei waho i te whare? ( Cats )![](
8. He aha kei raro i te motokā? ( Stick)
9. E hia ngā pene kei roto i te pēke ( 7 )
10. E hia ngā āporo kei roto i te kāpata (3)
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
11. Kei roto te kiore i te kāpata.![](
12. Ko Mana kei waho i te tari.
13. E iwa ngā pukapuka kei runga i te pouaka.
14. He kurī kei raro i te tēpu.
15. Try these activities at the Wassup Wiki website.
Anei ngā pātai o te wiki tama mā.
Whakautua ēnei pātai.
Hei tauira - Kei hea te tama? ( in / car ) - Kei roto te tama i te motokā.
1. Kei hea te kōtiro? (outside / house)
2. Kei hea te ngeru? ( on / bed)
3. Kei hea te kurī? (under / seat)
4. Kei hea te pene? (inside / bag)
5. Ko wai kei roto i te rūma? (Kiri)
6. Ko wai kei runga i te moenga? ( Haami)
7. He aha kei waho i te whare? ( Cats )
8. He aha kei raro i te motokā? ( Stick)
9. E hia ngā pene kei roto i te pēke ( 7 )
10. E hia ngā āporo kei roto i te kāpata (3)
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
11. Kei roto te kiore i te kāpata.
12. Ko Mana kei waho i te tari.
13. E iwa ngā pukapuka kei runga i te pouaka.
14. He kurī kei raro i te tēpu.
15. Try these activities at the Wassup Wiki website.
1. kei waho i te kotiro i te whare
2. kei runga i te ngeru i te moenga
3. kei raro i te kuri i te turi
4. kei roto i te pene i te peke
5. ko kiri kei roto i te tama
6. ko haami kei runga i te moenga
7. he ngeru kei waho i te whare
8. he rakau kei raro i te motoko
9. e whitu nga penekei roto i te poke
10. e toru nga aporo kei roto i te kapata
1:Kei waho te kotiro i te whare
2:kei runga te ngeru i te moenga
3:kei raro te kuri i te turu
4:kei roto te pene i te peke
5:ko kuri kei roto i te ruma
6:ko haami kei runga i te moenga
7:he ngeru kei waho i te whare
8:he rakau kei raro i te motoka
9:e whitu nga pene i roto i te pene
10:e toru nga aporo kei roto i te kapata
11:the rat is in the cupboard
12:mana is in the office
13:there are nine books in the box
14:the dog is under the table
Tena koe e Pa, ki a koutou hoki e tama ma. He kaiako reo Maori au kei te Kura Tuarua o Nga Kotiro o Otago. Ko Ngati Pakeha toku iwi. He tino mahi akiaki enei ki ahau.Ko toku tino hiahia kia mahi penei ai. No reira nga mihi teitei ki a koutou katoa.
Nahaku noa, na Whaea Joe
Ki Waho o te whare te Kotiro
kei runga o te moenga te Ngeru
kei roro i te Turu
Ki roto i te Peke
Ko Kiri ki roto i te ruma
Ko Haami kei runga i tew moenga
ko te Ngeru kei waho
Ko te Rakua kei raro i te motoka
E whitu nga pene ki roto i te peke
E toru nga Aporo ki roto i te Kapata
in the Cupbord there was a mice
in the Office out side mana
there is nine books up in the box
the Dog is under the Table
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