DISCLAIMER: This site contains the views of individuals and are not neccessarily those of Hato Paora College

Saturday, January 30, 2010

New School Website / KnowledgeNET

E ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā rā koutou katoa.
Despite the lack of posts over the year, this blog is still going and I hope to get it back to where it was when I first started it 4 years ago, updating it weekly. Hato Paora has gone through a drop in roll and loss of staff but we are looking forward to the challenges ahead and the climb to overcoming them. We have a great bunch of new Kaiārahi that should guide the boys in the right direction.

Click on the school emblem in the right hand column to be directed to our new school website. While it is still being worked on it is a vast improvement to the old one. Kia ora, and lets look forward to new heights this year - 2010


This year you will also be using KnowledgeNET a new tool to help us in our learning. Check it out. Your username is your first initial then dot (.) followed by your surname. Your password is the same.
