Ko Ruahine ngā pae maunga, Ko Oroua te awa, Ko Tama-nui-o-te-ao-katoa te wharenui, ko Paroro o te rangi te marae, Ko Pāora te whare karakia, Ko Hato Pāora te tangata, Ko Hato Pāora te kura, Tihei Mauriora!Ānei ngā pātai o te wiki.Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga korero.1. Do you have a book?
2. I am tired.
3. I don't have any pens
4. Can I go to the office?
5. I have a problem.
Whakapākehātia enei rerenga korero.6. Kei te haere rātou ki te kura.
7. E kaukau ana māua i te punawai.
8. Kei waenganui te tama i ngā wāhine.
9. Kei mua te motokā i te whare karakia.
Ētahi atu pātai
10. Who is the founder of Te Whare Tutaua o Aotearoa, where does he work now?
11. E noho ana ia ki hea? Ko wai tōna iwi?
12. What are some of the reasons for doing Mau Rakau?
13. What do the parts of the taiaha represent and how should we place it on the ground?
14. Ko wai te Atua o te taumata - Poutahi?