DISCLAIMER: This site contains the views of individuals and are not neccessarily those of Hato Paora College

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 3

E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku karangatanga maha, tēnā rā koutou katoa.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou tama mā i tautokohia tēnei kaupapa ipurangi o tātou ko 'Ngā Tama a Parorangi.

Ko ēnei ngā pātai o te wiki.

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

1. Kei te taha maui te turu i te tēpu.

2. Kei te taha matau te motoka i te whare.

3. Kei mua te tama i te pouaka.

4. Kei muri te pōro i te kāpata.

5. Kei waenganui ngā pukapuka i te tēpu.

Whakautua ēnei pātai.

6. Where does the saying 'Tihei Mauriora' come from? (clue: Hine-ahu-one)

7. Whats the difference between whakatauki and whakatauāki?

8. Give an example of a 'tauparapara'.

9. What is the poroporoaki (farewell) part of a whaikōrero?

10. What are things we do to whakanoa or cleanse ourselves after we have whaikōrero on the marae.

11. Make two comments on this site then go to your own site and make some changes to the template.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Basketball results from 26-05-06

Hato Pāora Under 19's vs Palmerston North Boys 3 - WON 56 - 14

Hato Pāora Under 15A's vs Tararua College Under 15's - WON 100 - 25

Hato Pāora Under 15B's vs Freyburg High Under 15's - WON 36 - 25

Hato Pāora Under 15C's vs St Peters College Under 15's - LOST 53 - 27

Click here for Basketball schedule.

Rugby Results from 27-05-06

Hato Pāora 1st XV vs Wairarapa College 1st XV - DRAW 17 - 17

Hato Pāora 2nd XV vs Freyburg High 1st XV - DRAW 12 - 12

Hato Pāora 3rd XV vs Manawatu 1st XV - LOST 19 - 36

Hato Pāora Under 15A's vs Freyburg High Under 15's - WON 36 -17

Hato Pāora Under 15B's vs Palmerston North Boys High Chiefs - WON 33 - 15

Hato Pāora Under 14's vs Dannervirke High Barabarians - WON 22 - 15

Click this link on Tuesday afternoon for this weeks draw

Hato Pāora websites branch out

He pānui whakamōhio tēnei ki a koutou tama mā mō ngā whārangi ipurangi kua hangaia e mātou ngā pouako ō Hato Pāora.

1. Ko te wharangi ō te kapa 1st XV nā Pā Potene.

2. Ko te wharangi mō te akomanga Reo Rangatira o Pā Josh - ngā pae tuarima.

3. Ko te wharangi mō te akomanga Reo Rangatira o Pā Zeb - ngā pae tuawhitu.

Just letting you all know that we now have 4 sites up and running for you to peruse and add comments to.

Mauri ora ki a tātou katoa!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rugby Interschool vs St. Bernards College

Today St Bernards' College travelled up from Wellington to play us on our home grounds. The playing fields were moist and the rain stayed away as the first game between the Under 15 teams got underway at 12.45p.m. During the first half the Hato Pāora backline kicked alot of ball deep into the opposition half. The burly St Bernard's pack became feisty and frustrated being on the backfoot alot. The first points were awarded to us after a successful penalty kick by Captain Mohi Aupouri. Not a moment later through a concentrated attack on their blindside and great ball skills, winger Cheyne Turahui crossed the line in spendid style. The first half was rounded out by a try to St. Bernard's after a driving attack from their forwards.

The second half was a different story as St. Bernard's Under 15 fronted up and began to dish it out to our boys. Big hits and storming runs were aplenty much to the delight of the crowd. Alot has to be said about our boys' good discipline especially after the taunts and punishment given by the larger St Bernards' boys.

Our second try was scored through the backs again after Aden Ihaka took a brilliantly chipped kick to score in the corner. All in all the Hato Pāora Under 15's should be commended for the way they played and the pride they showed for our kura. Outstanding players were Aden Ihaka and Mahu Eru.

Hato Pāora Under 15's vs St Bernard Under 15's - WON 13 - 10


The 1st XV game kicked off at 1.15p.m. I didn't get to watch the majority of their game so I cannot explain in detail the events that took place. Lewis Marshall put us on the board early with a penalty goal. Prop and Year 11 student Chris Broughton scored our first try. St Bernard's also crossed the line in the first half after a barging run from their No. 8.

The second half remained close with the score held up at 8-7 for a while. In the last five minutes Lewis Marshall together with Te Umu Miratana teamed up to produce a dream of a try filled with scintillating running, '2' no look passes and a reverse pass. All I can say is WOW! After discussion with other teachers it seems that our backline was superior but failed to finish alot of their sets due to mistakes so the score could've been a lot greater. Ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou ngā tama tāne i tākarohia te whutupōro mō te mana o Parorangi. E kii ana te kōrero "ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, ēngari he toa takitini."

Hato Pāora 1st XV vs St Bernards College 1st XV - WON 13 - 7

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 2

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa e mātaki mai i tēnei whārangi ipurangi.
Anei ngā pātai o te wiki tama mā.

Whakautua ēnei pātai.

Hei tauira - Kei hea te tama? ( in / car ) - Kei roto te tama i te motokā.

1. Kei hea te kōtiro? (outside / house)
2. Kei hea te ngeru? ( on / bed)
3. Kei hea te kurī? (under / seat)
4. Kei hea te pene? (inside / bag)

5. Ko wai kei roto i te rūma? (Kiri)
6. Ko wai kei runga i te moenga? ( Haami)

7. He aha kei waho i te whare? ( Cats )
8. He aha kei raro i te motokā? ( Stick)

9. E hia ngā pene kei roto i te pēke ( 7 )
10. E hia ngā āporo kei roto i te kāpata (3)

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

11. Kei roto te kiore i te kāpata.
12. Ko Mana kei waho i te tari.
13. E iwa ngā pukapuka kei runga i te pouaka.
14. He kurī kei raro i te tēpu.

15. Try these activities at the Wassup Wiki website.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Rugby Results from 20-05-06

1st XV vs PNBHS 2nd XV - Won 53 - 0

2nd XV vs Wairarapa College 1st XV - Lost 100 - 0

3rd XV vs Dannevirke U16's - Won 36 - 30

Under 15 A's vs Waiopehu U15's - Won 35 - 0

Under 15 B's vs St Peters College U15's - Won 30 -17

Under 14's vs Manawatu College U14's - Won 33 - 10

Check here for Rugby draw on Tuesday evenings

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ngā whakaahua

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ngā Manu Kōrero ā Kura 2006

Tēnā rā koutou katoa.

Hei te 9 o Pipiri ka whakahuihui mai ngā kura o te Manawatū me Horowhenua ki tō mātou kāreti mō ngā whakataetae manu kōrero.

Ko te tokorua nei a mātou kaikōrero.

Ki te taha maui: Ka tū a Hona Black mō te wahanga Pei Te Hurinui Jones. Ko tana kaupapa kōrero,
"Ka whakaae rānei a Pei Te Hurinui ki ā tātau kaupapa mahi o ēnei rā?"

Ki te taha matau: Ka tū a Karetai Williams-Paul mō te wahanga Rāwhiti Ihaka. Ko tana kaupapa kōrero,
"Kei a wai te rongoā hei patu i tēnei mea, te tūkino?"

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki

Kia ora koutou tama mā.

Open up a text document so you can write your answers into it.
Then copy them into the comments box here.

Anei ngā pātai mō tēnei wiki.

1. Ko te aha te rā? (Tuesday)
2. Ko te aha te marama? (September)
3. Nō hea koe?
4. Tokohia ngā tama? (7)
5. E hia ngā tūru? (3)
6. He aha tērā? (rat)
7. He aha ēnā? (stick)

Whakapākehātia ēnei kōrero.

8. He pene ērā.
9. He poauka tēnā.
10. Kei waho te kōtiro i te whare.
11. Kei runga te pukapuka i te tēpu.
12. Kei roto te tama i te kāpata.
13. Kei raro te ngeru i te tūru.

14. Next task - use the Ngata Dictionary link to the right to find the māori translations of these words.

a). respect
e). silent
i). humble
o). thoughtful

15. Have a look at the Wassup Wiki site. Try the wharenui activity here.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Year 10 Te Reo Māori Class

Ko tōku akomanga Reo Māori tēnei.

He rōpū piri tahi, he rōpū hatakēhi hoki rātou.

Nō ngā hau e wha ngā tama nei, ēngari kua tau rātou i raro i te maru o Parorangi.

"Whaia te tika" .

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nau mai haere mai!

Tēnā rā koutou katoa e ngā tama toa a Hato Pāora!

Nau mai haere mai ki taku nei whārangi ipurangi
- Ko Ngā Tama a Parorangi.

Over the next few days I will register you all to this site so that we can communicate through this blog.

I will need to take a photo of each of you and you will also need to fill in your profiles.

I hope to use this blog as a learning tool to increase our use of ICT, and to enhance our classroom lessons.

Naku noa,

Pā Nick.