Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 3
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou tama mā i tautokohia tēnei kaupapa ipurangi o tātou ko 'Ngā Tama a Parorangi.
Ko ēnei ngā pātai o te wiki.
Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.
1. Kei te taha maui te turu i te tēpu.
2. Kei te taha matau te motoka i te whare.
3. Kei mua te tama i te pouaka.
4. Kei muri te pōro i te kāpata.
5. Kei waenganui ngā pukapuka i te tēpu.
Whakautua ēnei pātai.
6. Where does the saying 'Tihei Mauriora' come from? (clue: Hine-ahu-one)
7. Whats the difference between whakatauki and whakatauāki?
8. Give an example of a 'tauparapara'.
9. What is the poroporoaki (farewell) part of a whaikōrero?
10. What are things we do to whakanoa or cleanse ourselves after we have whaikōrero on the marae.
11. Make two comments on this site then go to your own site and make some changes to the template.