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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ngā mahi mō te wiki 9

Tēnā koutou katoa.
Here are sentence structures that we will be learning over the next few weeks.

E _______ ana / Kei te ________
(is / are / am / verb-ing)

I ___________
Kua _________ (has / had / have)
I te _________ (was / were / verb-ing)

Hei tauira

Kei te haere au ki te kura.
I am going to school.

I haere ia ki te kura.
He went to school.

Kua haere rāua ki te kura.
They (2) have gone to school.

I te haere a Hemi ki te kura.
Hemi was going to school.

Hei Mahi

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

1. Kei te haere a Hone ki te mahi.

2. I haere ia ki te mahi.

3. Kua haere rātou ki te mahi.

4. I te haere au ki te mahi.

5. I haere a Kiri ki te whare.

6. Kua haere rāua ki te whare.

7. I te haere ia ki te whare.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

8. I am going to the marae.

9. John was going to the marae.

10. He has gone to the marae.

11. They(2) went to the marae.

12. I had gone to the shop.

13. They (3) went to the shop.

14. I was going to the shop.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ballin' at the Novotel

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Te Aute wins in extra time

1ST XV - LOST 30 -28

2ND XV - WON 22 -10

4TH FORM - LOST 17 -7?

3RD FORM - WON 27 - 10

Match report and More photos will be added tommorow.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 8 - Whakamātautau

Exam Revision

Write words that have similar meanings to the following words.

1. whaea

2. matua

3. pouako

4. kura

5. koro

Some of these words have macrons missing.
Place macrons in the correct places.

6. ahau

7. tera

8. mama

9. maori

10. nga

Place the following words into either the ‘A’ or ‘O’ tables.

11 - 20

Taranaki, kura, tama, awa, ngeru, kuia, pene, matua, pukapuka, marae, oma, teina, tōkena, āporo, motokā, pouaka, kōrero, tūru, waewae, tupuna.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rarangi kōrero.

21. What is that (by you)?

22. This is a pen.

23. Where is the cat?

24. Hoani is sleeping.

25. I am walking to school.

Whakapākehātia ēnei rarangi kōrero.

26. He aha tērā?

27. He pukapuka tēnā.

28. Kei hea te pene?

29. Kei te waiata ngā wāhine.

30. E haere ana rāua ki te kura.