Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 11
Mai i te uranga mai o te rā ki te tōnga o te rā, ka whakamoetitia te ingoa o tō tātou Matua nui i te rangi. Ki a rātou kua hinga i te ringa kaha o aitua. Moe mai rā i tō koutou moengaroa. Kāti rā ko tātou te hunga ora e takahi te mata o te whenua, tēnā tātou katoa. Nau mai hoki mai aku ākonga o te reo. Kia mataara, kia mārama ki ngā mahi kua whakatakotoria ki mua i a koutou.
Tūhia ngā whakakorehanga mō ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Hei Tauira - Example
Kei te haere koutou? - Kāore koutou i te haere?
E haere ana ia. - Kāore ia e haere ana.
1. Kei te oma au.
2. Kei te haere rāua.
3. Kei te hikoi au ki te toa.
4. Kei te haere mātou āpōpō
5. Kei te taraiwa ia ki te moana.
6. E moe ana au.
7. E takaro ana rāua.
8. E haere ana mātou ki te taone.
9. E kaukau ana ia i te punawai
10. E hikoi ana korua ki te kura?
Tirohanga Whakamuri - Revision
11. Put the days of the week in the correct order.
Rātū / Rāhoroi / Rāmere / Rātapu / Rāhina / Rāpare / Rāmere.
12. Connect these words with the correct meanings.
(This / That (over there) / That (by you) / These / Those (o.t.) / Those (b.y)
( Tērā / tēnei / ēnā / tēnā / ēnei / ērā).
13. Follow this link to do the Ngā Wahanga o te Tinana activities.
The last thing I would like you to do is follow this link and fill out this survey. This has to do with the laptops we used last term and the further use of them in the future. Kia pai ā koutou akoranga.
Tūhia ngā whakakorehanga mō ēnei rerenga kōrero.
Hei Tauira - Example
Kei te haere koutou? - Kāore koutou i te haere?
E haere ana ia. - Kāore ia e haere ana.
1. Kei te oma au.
2. Kei te haere rāua.
3. Kei te hikoi au ki te toa.
4. Kei te haere mātou āpōpō
5. Kei te taraiwa ia ki te moana.
6. E moe ana au.
7. E takaro ana rāua.
8. E haere ana mātou ki te taone.
9. E kaukau ana ia i te punawai
10. E hikoi ana korua ki te kura?
Tirohanga Whakamuri - Revision
11. Put the days of the week in the correct order.
Rātū / Rāhoroi / Rāmere / Rātapu / Rāhina / Rāpare / Rāmere.
12. Connect these words with the correct meanings.
(This / That (over there) / That (by you) / These / Those (o.t.) / Those (b.y)
( Tērā / tēnei / ēnā / tēnā / ēnei / ērā).
13. Follow this link to do the Ngā Wahanga o te Tinana activities.
The last thing I would like you to do is follow this link and fill out this survey. This has to do with the laptops we used last term and the further use of them in the future. Kia pai ā koutou akoranga.